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Geriatric Care

Family Practice located in Brunswick, GA

Geriatric Care

Geriatric Care services offered in Brunswick, GA

It’s estimated that about 50% of older adults (seniors) are dealing with three or more health problems at the same time. At Brunswick Medical we  specialize in geriatric care, also called senior care. 


 Call today or schedule an appointment online to learn more about geriatric care at Brunswick Medical. 

Geriatric Care Q&A

When do I need geriatric care?

You’ll benefit from specialized geriatric care at Brunswick Medical if you’re an older adult struggling with health conditions that make it hard to manage your basic needs.

Brunswick Medical specializes in managing the health needs of older adults, offering geriatric care and senior care at our family medicine practice.

How is geriatric care different from family medicine?

Geriatric care is a subspeciality of family medicine. It treats the health needs of people 65 and older.

What services can I expect from geriatric care?

You can expect a wide range of geriatric care services at Brunswick Medical. Dr. Chandler takes a patient-centered, preventive approach, making sure she provides all the services necessary to meet her patient’s health needs.


The services you can expect with geriatric care include:

Chronic disease management

Chronic disease management teaches you how to manage your health conditions at home. Brunswick Medical will help to  provide the guidance, monitoring, and support needed to properly manage your long-term illness and prevent or delay its progression.


The family medicine practice provides annual physicals to monitor your overall health.

Sick visits

Older adults are at an increased risk of complications from acute illnesses like the flu. Our medical practice offers sick visits to promptly manage these unexpected health problems and provide treatments to relieve symptoms.

Weight management

Our medical practice specializes in senior care weight management. Brunswick Medical provides nutrition, health education, and develops health plans to fit your health goals and abilities.

Lab services

Brunswick Medical has on-site lab services to make it more convenient for patients to get the necessary tests and diagnosis.

Geriatric care at Brunswick Medical can help you manage your health problems in order to continue living a full, active life.


Call today or schedule your geriatric care appointment online.